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Mission Statement

To create a safe, drug-free environment during non-school hours that supports student achievement, healthy lifestyles and developmental assets through an integrated network of community-wide partners that is responsive to the diverse needs of the school community.

AASD Extended Day Learning Program Goals

  • Improve a student's academic achievement
  • Provide a safe, drug-free environment for students who need after-school supervision
  • Promote involvement in academic, recreational, cultural, health and social programs
  • Increase access to technology


Students who attend the AASD Extended Day Learning Program have the opportunity to participate in a variety of programs that impact academic achievement; help develop new skills and interests; increase awareness and understanding of different cultures; and increase physical fitness, self-esteem, and leadership skills.

  • Academics: Tutoring, daily homework, assistance, book clubs, reading programs and incentives
  • Enrichment: Dance, field trips, cooking classes, career exploration, health & wellness activities
  • Technology: Computer games, pen pal exchanges, educational programs, computer and internet classes
  • Recreation: Outdoor play, board games, sports and games
  • Culture: Music, drama, dance, arts and crafts
  • Community Service

Daily Schedule

  • Before School
    • 6:30-8:05 AM 
  • After School
    • 3:16-3:30 PM Arrival/sign-in/snack
    • 3:30-4:30 PM Homework time and tutoring
    • 4:30-6:00 PM Clubs and enrichment activities

Reduced rates available for those of low-income.
Early release and full day off care is available at limited Y site locations for an additional fee/registration which are offered on a month to month basis.