The weather is getting nicer and that is a perfect opportunity to explore the great outdoors! Check out Go Valley Kids 12 Nature Centers to Visit with your Family about 1 Hour from Appleton, which includes Apple Creek YMCA's very own Bruce B. Purdy Nature Preserve. Plan your trip today!
The Bruce B. Purdy Nature Preserve was created in 2005 through a donation of 104 acres of land to the YMCA of the Fox Cities from the late Bruce and Barbara Purdy. This unique parcel of land features wooded hills and ravines, open fields, restored prairie, ponds and wetlands, and pine plantations – all accessed through a network of approximately 3 miles of trails. Located on Appleton’s quickly growing north-side, the land within its boundaries is home to a diverse mix of local plant and animal life that is sure to interest all visitors to the preserve.